Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Hacker Herren Reunion Party Slated for Jan 29, 2015

Our annual party is set for Ruby Hill Winery on Jan 29 from 6:30-10:00.  Lots of good hendl, bier, pretzels, and snacks will be served along with lots of laughs and good times.  If you want to attend, RSVP via the evite that you should have already received or give me an email.  All are welcome. Bring your friends.  This will be the FIRST AND POSSIBLY ONLY opportunity to reserve your spot for Oktoberfest 2015.  It will sell out very quickly as usual.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Welcome to Luke "The Luker" Knott- ROY 2032

In Classic Hacker Herren Style, Doid and his wife welcomed ROY 2032 into this world during the Wiesn.  Billable and his wife Sandy are proud grandparents (their 5th). 

Doid and Billable both paid for 2014. Doid backed out about 6 months ago when he did the math... Billable was hoping the baby was going to be on time (a week prior to Ofest) so he didn't cancel until the day he was supposed to fly to Munich. 

Nonetheless, Billable and Doid celebrated Ofest in the hospital with a couple masses and their lederhosen.  We can congratulate both of them in person during Ofest 2015.  Doid told me to keep his money from 2014 and apply it to 2015.

Prost to the new member of the Hacker Herren, Luke Knott.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chive On, Taylor Steinbeck is 2014 Rookie of the Year

Taylor Steinbeck brings the ROY 14 award back to the 909!  His father was the original ROY for the Hacker Herren.  Taylor made his old man proud by bring the prestigious hat home with him.  He fell in love at least 3x/day (and broke lots of Frauleins' hearts), enjoyed the great Hacker Pschorr beer, and mingled with all of the guys throughout the weekend.   He was up early each day, at the tent at opening and stayed until the closing.  He lived the Oktoberfest Spirit for all three days. Congrats Taylor Steinbeck, ROY 14.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What Does It Take To Become A Rookie Of The Year (ROY)

The committee has been asked this many times. There is no objective answer.  It was originally created to recognize the person who best embodies the spirit of Oktoberfest .

The committee members each cast one vote for ROY. The committee consists of all former ROYs plus The executive committee of Hoff, Pudge, Bad Monkey, and The Godfather (Vondy used to be on the committee but due to lack of priorities he's on the outs and hoping to get back in)

So, what does it take to become ROY?

Here's a chronology with a sentence or two description of each ROY

ROY 03  Der Stinker  Visited with everyone, drank as much as anyone, made friends with the locals, smiled and laughed for 3 days straight.  We created the award to recognize how awesome of a time he had at Oktoberfest. He also came up with the coveted Green Hat as the trophy.

ROY 04 Vondy's dad  70+ years old, had one or two masses  per day, jovial, friendly, funny stories, had a great time all around

ROY 05  LarBud  Larry is a Brain surgeon and on the flight over resuscitated a person on the airplane. If that wasn't enough, he partied like a rockstar for 3 days 

ROY 06 Uberstud  Ronnie is also a brain surgeon.  Have you seen the video of Ronnie's dance?  Nuf said. If not, look for Ronnies Dance on Youtube. It has over 13000 views

ROY07  Seven What do we say about 7?  He dances, drinks, stomps on the tables, meets all the local people and is non stop high energy from 10:00-22:30

ROY 08 Blackout  Met every single cute girl (and some married ones) in the tent, brought them over to the tables to introduce them to the gang, sings like he's in the shower, and can carry 12 masses at one time.  First member of the Midwest Mafia to take the title east of the Mississippi

ROY 09 Vedo  Little Mikey is the only ROY to ever pass out at the table.  He won one for the thumb.Plus he can outchug virtually everyone except his dad!

ROY10  D Unit  A schoolteacher that called in sick with "pink eye" during the first weeks of school so he could attend.  Traded his plastic Casio watch for a $50k Rolex for the weekend and made friends with everyone in the tent, especially the local talent.  Was going to attend this year but has a baby that is coming any minute

ROY11  Hammer Despite  one NEVER having to get into a taxi or a bus, he wound up on a bus at the end of the night and got a tap on the shoulder from the driver to tell him this is the end of the line.  He speaks no German, but pointed to his shoulder with the hotel on it and managed to find a taxi to take him the 30km back to the hotel

ROY12 Cirrhosis Maximus paraded around Munich with a Roman Emperor's helmet all weekend.  Made friends throughout the tent

ROY13 Drunkenstein  was the first guy who acted like a frat bro and still won the ROY award. He did it with a great spirit, traded shirts with an RAF pilot, and met local people throughout the weekend.

ROY 14  Don't know who, but i expect this person will have a great time meeting the Hacker Herren, the local people, will recruit some local talent to have a few masses with the Hacker Herren, will not be the drunkest dude at the table, will get some food afterward with the gang, will tell funny stories, will help anyone in need, and will embody the Spirit of Oktoberfest

Prost to all the Rookies.  "You think you know, but you have no idea"- ROY10

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Mass will cost you just under 10 Euros this year at the Hacker tent

This costs the beer in the large tents

MarqueePrice of beer in 2014Beer Award 2013
Beetle Oktoberfest tavern10.009.80
Protect Marquee10.059.80
Wine Tent (white beer)15.2015.00