The Hacker Herren group of 130 men, including many fathers and sons, brothers, uncles and nephews, and many friends enjoyed a memorable trip to Munich’s Oktoberfest, filled with great food, beer, and camaraderie. Naval Academy grads used the event as a reunion after nearly 30 years. Families from around the US came together in the Himmel Der Bayern and hoisted the Munich Gold for 3 days. Many memories were made once again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ofest 2016 is SOLD OUT IN ONE DAY!!!

Well... you guys have set the record... We sold out on the first day that we opened up for reservations.  We have sold out in the first week in the past, but never all in the first day.  I guess you guys enjoy the trip, huh?  Thanks for all of your support. We will once again have another great year ahead.  Lots more details to come as we approach Oktoberfest.    Prost!!