The Hacker Herren group of 130 men, including many fathers and sons, brothers, uncles and nephews, and many friends enjoyed a memorable trip to Munich’s Oktoberfest, filled with great food, beer, and camaraderie. Naval Academy grads used the event as a reunion after nearly 30 years. Families from around the US came together in the Himmel Der Bayern and hoisted the Munich Gold for 3 days. Many memories were made once again.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

You think you know...but you have no idea explained by Bear Man

Thank you notes from Bear Man
(Thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for the idea)
·         Thank you, strange man sleeping in my bed, for the great story. And for not stealing anything when you left the room.
·         Thank you, Charlie from Mike’s Bikes, for the excellent tour of Munich.
·         Thank you, bench that pops up on one end when someone gets up, for showing me a new color of green under my toenail after slamming down on my toe.
·         Thank you, Hacker Pschorr, for the delicious nectar!
·         Thank you, songs stuck in my head, for still being there 3 weeks later.
·         Thank you, strange person that gave me a pack of tube socks, for the pillow.
·         Thank you, everyone around me, for putting up with the excited kid that ate all the cookies Christmas morning.
·         Thank you, Hill of Shame, for reminding me to get my ass back to the hotel.
·         Thank you, Chicago Mafia, for including me as we walked thru the airports. Knowing where to go, and where to plug in devices, was really helpful!
·         Thank you, superhot 25 yr old brunette from Colonge, for thinking that I am worthy. I will never ever forget the phrase “You want to make par-tee?”
·         Thank you, United Airlines, for the safe flight. And for seating me next to the HUGE old lady that I shared my seat with on the way over.
·         Thank you, Anna and Sophie. Your patience outshines your beauty, and that is a tough act to follow.
·         Thank you, ferris wheel, for being my guiding beacon as I tried to find my way home from the bar.
·         Thank you, the shakes, for going away.
·         Thank you, police station that closes at 2am, for not keeping me out too late.
·         Thank you, Hammer, for the invitation. And Herr Hoff for the organization.
·         Thank you, former Rookies of the Year, for considering me in your voting. I am honored to be considered among such tough competition!
·         Thank you, everyone that offered me money, I can honestly say that this group does not leave a man behind!
·         Thank you, salt, for being the #1 ingredient in everything I ate.
·         And most of all, thank you HACKER HERREN! You guys know how to do things right. You paved the way for the rest of us, set a fantastic example, and are truly a great group of guys. This trip was like going to the Super Bowl but with 50 yard line seats and a concierge. Ken, you DA MAN.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Drunkenstein will be wearing the ROY hat for 2013. Congrats Jeff Baxter

Drunkenstein rocked the reverse Mohawk (yes that is a shaved stripe in his hairline on the top picture) proudly on the first day. After that he traded  his prestigious Hacker Herren checkered shirt with an Royal Navy helicopter pilot for the wildest looking shirt in the tent.  He was having a great time drinking beer with as many of his new best friends as possible throughout the weekend.  His brother K-Bax was sure proud of him!  It was even more exciting to see him win since he was the winner of the trip via our Charity Auction!  Thanks for supporting the Black Hats Foundation with your bid and now you can wear the ROY hat all year.  We can't wait to see you sitting on the dock at the lake wearing the hat next summer.  Congrats to Jeff Baxter, ROY 14!

Rabbit is the winner of the inagural HAM Award

For the first time, we not only had our prestigious ROY award, but also a HAM Award.  The HAM is the Hacker Meister which is awarded to the veteran that had the best time and best personified the spirit of Oktoberfest with the Hacker Herren.  Rabbit was the winner and will wear the beautiful Luminox watch that Barons Jewelers donated. Additionally, he will wear the HAM vest that was also awarded to him.  Anybody that wrestled in dog "stuff", smoked a cigarette with the wrong end in his mouth, slept in the hallway of the hotel, was willing to take anyone's punches to the sternum, and many other things that are not G rated helped him earn the title.  Congrats Rabbit!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Hacker Meister HAM will be sporting a beautiful Luminox Watch complements of Barons Jewelers

Barons Jewelers (Legacy's jewelry shop) is stepping up for the Hacker Herren this year and they are sponsoring the Inagural.....
HAcker Meister Award aka HAM   (Meister means master in German (as in master craftsman, or as an honorific title such as Meister Eckhart). The word is akin to maestro.
The Hacker Meister has been established by popular request from many of you over the years. The HAM award will go to the person, rookie or veteran, who best embodies the spirit of Oktoberfest and The Hacker Herren during our annual trip to Oktoberfest. We previously haven't recognized the veterans via a Legacy Award. Vedo has never been recognized for his ability to open his gullet and suck down a liter of beer faster than all 10000 people in the Hacker Festzelt. Seven has never been recognized for his table stomping, incessant dancing, peppermint sniffing, and Mass tracking. Legacy has never been recognized for his ability to digest an entire hendl-bones and all. Der Stinker has never been recognized for his prodigious colo-rectal capabilities...any time, any place. All the chugging, singing, story telling, creative props, pizza eating, song singing, dirndl attracting actions will now all be considered and an award with a beautiful prize donated by Barons Jewelers will go to the inagural winner of the Hacker Meister award. You will forever be known as the first HAM.
We are all looking forward to another great year and this year, we will recognize the HAM . Will it be you??? We will all find out Saturday afternoon at the Hacker Herren meeting...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hacker Herren Schwag will be sent out on Friday August 30

The gear is looking great. It may be our best look yet!  Thanks to Dennis Colvin at Denco for setting us up with a great look and some great gear.  All the other Ofesters will be jealous of our schwag in 2013!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

An Open Letter from ROY 12 to all Rookies

Welcome to the greatest fraternity ever conceived.  I get goose bumps just thinking about the Friday in the Hacker tent.  The thirsty patrons begin a slow, building noise as they pound on the tables waiting impatiently for the clock to strike the magic hour when the first masses filled with Munich Gold are marched into the tent.  Then it happens.  The security throws open the doors and the servers bust threw carrying a near impossible mountain of glass masses topped with foaming heads and filled with the most brilliant gold color as the sunlight from outside pours into the tent and illuminates the masses.  The crowd erupts with ebullient cheers.  You rush to get your hands on the first one and then……Well, for the rest of this story you will have to wait until we meet in Munich and I buy you your first mass.  I will be the one wearing the green hat.
Cirrhosis Maximus
ROY 2012

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Lesson for all Rookies... You gotta pace yourselves

It was all fun and games...

Ya Wanna Rub Our Bellies???
Country Roads...or Sweet Caroline?

I swear i thought this was a good idea at the time


Until someone got hurt...

Wanna See Me Chug Another One???

And those first 7 masses tasted so good!!1

Anyone seen Gretel?

Hacker Herren Training has officially begun...At Lake Tulloch

The smacktalk is starting to pick up.   I hope you are embarking upon your summer training regimen.  I know the guys who attended Bloomerfest all had their first taste of the Hacker Pscorr lager of the season and it was good. The two kegs were annihilated by the Herren.  It was great to see MoJoe, MitchaPalooza, and ROY X or ROL X or D Unit and their wives and families at the lake. They all flew in from Chicagoland.  On top of that we had another 150 of our friends show up and party on our deck at the lake.  Scoop, Kimo, French Silk, Davey Boy, K BAX, Vido, Vedo, Sasek, Colvin, 7, Dee, Der Stinker, Drunkenstein, Dudelsacker, Blitz, Legacy, and a few future rookies all enjoyed the Munich Gold.

The vets are all wondering what 7 will do for his 7th year!   He's very secretive, so i'm sure it is going to be good...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blackhatfoundation Will Be The Charity That The Hacker Herren Is Supporting In 2013

Many of the Hacker Herren enjoy the lakes and mountains in the Yosemite Valley area of California.  The Black Hat Foundation raises money for needy organizations in Tuolumne  County California.  We are proud to help out the less fortunate in our community and they thank you for donating a part of your entrance fee to support this charitable organization. You can check them out at

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


What a colorful logo we are in store for at the Wiesn in 2013.  This is the first step to the launching of the Ofestivities ahead.  Sept 26 will come faster than you expect... Are you ready for Ofest???  The Hacker Herren will be ready come party time.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hacker Herren are SOLD OUT for Sept 26-28 2013

In a record 10 DAYS, the Hacker Herren sold out for 2013.  The excitement level continues to grow year by year as evidenced by this event selling out virtually immediately.  We have a great group again this year.  The 3 Sanchez brothers are back again plus Kimo Sanchez returns for his second year (not related).Seven sets of fathers and sons (or sons in law).  In 2013 we will have 18 rookies which appears to be the fewest # of rookies that we have ever had.  Looks like another great year is locked and loaded.  Thanks to all the guys who have signed up again and sorry to those that are not able to join us this year.

Did you know the Hacker Herren can also be found on Twitter and FB?

You can follow the Hacker Herren throughout the year @ofest_forever on Twitter and Hacker Herren on FB.  Follow us and friend us!  #Prost

Hacker Herren Reunion was a Huge Success

Leppie's Ruby Hill Winery production room was the venue once again for our annual reunion party.  We had 40 guys who all enjoyed great German beer, hendl, and bretzn.  But even better we had a lot of laughs reliving the great time that we had in Munich.  Many guys who have never been attended alongside the vets and all the stories got bigger and louder as the night went on.  Thanks to Dee for making another great DVD for all of us to relive Ofest 2012 over and over.  Maybe one year we will have a reunion in the Midwest Mafia's region... Thanks to all that attended and hopefully we'll see you at Ofest 2013 with the Hacker Herren