The Hacker Herren group of 130 men, including many fathers and sons, brothers, uncles and nephews, and many friends enjoyed a memorable trip to Munich’s Oktoberfest, filled with great food, beer, and camaraderie. Naval Academy grads used the event as a reunion after nearly 30 years. Families from around the US came together in the Himmel Der Bayern and hoisted the Munich Gold for 3 days. Many memories were made once again.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

WE HAVE A WINNER!!! It's Par4kidssake

The Ofest 2009 group (via your fee) donated one trip to Ofest 2009 that was auctioned off at the Par4theKids golf tournament on June 8. The lucky winner who will be joining us is Eric Everson!!! Eric, it was the best $2850 you will have ever spent! We had a great day of sun and fun. The Ofest 2009 hole was the place that everyone looked forward to reaching. All the golfers thought someone got a hole in one because of all the noise that was being made on our hole. Nope, no holes in one, but the Mass chugging (very similar to the long drive contest) contest (thanks for the idea Der Stinker) was the highlight of the tourney. Each group put in $20 and we timed them to see how fast they could drink a mass. The winner chugged a mass in 7.2 seconds!!! He didn't pass on the mass to his team mates. Not only that, it was his second one on the day. Originally he chugged in 9. 8 secs and he was the leader. Another chugger came by and beat his time. So, at the end of the day Robert Perez came to confirm his victory and he was crushed to know he no longer had the "longest drive." So, he got a mulligan by contributing another $20 and he chugged another one is 7.2 seconds!!! Robert SWEARS he is coming to OFEST with us!

You will be able to congratulate Eric Everson on his winning bid in Munich. His nickname is Blah... look for him as he is highly touted as a rookie of the year challenger.

Thanks to Randy Hahn, Ken Vonderach, Ken Bloom, Jon Borneman, Rusty Clever, Mario Jacques, Dennis Colvin, Greg Desin and the 2 lovely girls who will also meet us in Munich this year, Ricarda from Cologne and Theresa from Italy for making our booth at the golf tournament the one that backed up the entire tournament.

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