Friday, June 1, 2018

Training for Oktoberfest 2018 has kicked off... How's your training going?

this is why we train... Tix have arrived for Saturday night!!
Utah takes his training to a new level... only a keg will do
Knochen Doc is a rookie, but he isn't acting like one.  When on the road in Colorado Springs he manages a training session!
Training in Livermore, CA with Marco Braun from Munich!!  Dickinson,Cunningham,Rosenbaum,Venema,Steele,Kimo,Dee, Melissa,MARCO, Pudge, Hoff
Geordie training for his 4th trip with the Hacker Herren in VA
The Lorentz men are tuning up thier training with the real stuff

Hoff, Vedo, Vido, Ramsey, and future Rookie Gleb breaking in the training season at Vedo's

Knochen Doc and Hofhund celebrating a 50th Bday.  How awesome is it that Ofest is the theme of their celebration??

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