The Hacker Herren group of 130 men, including many fathers and sons, brothers, uncles and nephews, and many friends enjoyed a memorable trip to Munich’s Oktoberfest, filled with great food, beer, and camaraderie. Naval Academy grads used the event as a reunion after nearly 30 years. Families from around the US came together in the Himmel Der Bayern and hoisted the Munich Gold for 3 days. Many memories were made once again.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Where The Heck Are the Hacker Herren?

 The Hacker Herren are a diverse and fun group of guys from all over the world.  They are proud to be part of this great group and aren't afraid to show their pride by wearing their Hacker Herren shirts and/or lederhosen in some interesting places. Where is the most fun place you've worn yours??  Send pix and lets enjoy the fun times together since we weren't able to enjoy Oktoberfest this year.  We can stay connected in other way.  

Hoff Riding Peloton in Lederhosen and taking Oktoberfest theme class

Our famous "Hahn" running through the Silicon Valley in his hosen

Bad Monkey is always looking good in his hosen!!  Even while doing Crossfit!

Alex (Smitty) Smith was able to negotiate a great deal in his lederhosen.  

Roy X wins the award for looking the best in his Trachten.  Hopefully, as his little ghosts and goblins get older, he can return to the Wies'n

The Wiesn started when a princess got married.  Maybe we will have another Wiesn in Chicago in a couple decades???  Prost Mickers and his prinzess

Sparty knows how to party.  May not be wearing lederhosen, but he has a bang up outfit

K-Bax and Kopenhagen may have left their lederhosen behind, but they sure know how to enjoy a mass

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